It probably doesn't matrer what I think about Dan Brown because everyone and his dog made pronouncements when this came out, just like they did for the others.
This is one where you have to pay attention to get the gist of what's being revealed/discussed/killed for. The foundation of humans and their need to form religions to justify their existence is the bottom line but I remember I wrote a few years back that a person (one I knew) could only justify his moral standards because he was a Christian, that if he wasn't a Christian he couldn't be moral. Brown says that too and it's a worry.
One of the atrtractions for Brown's stories is that they take place over a very short time frame and I don't have to imagine what Langdon looks like -he always looks like Tom Hanks.
This one is set in Spain and included in the settings is the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. I've seen that, been inside and inspected it, and decided it was a monstrosity. We were convinced it was designed by Gaudi when he was pissed out of his tree one night in a cafe where he drew the outline on a wet serviette with a shaky hand holding a kohl pencil.
I enjoyed the read. Get it from the library.