Friday, 1 February 2019


We just finished this series here. Had all the potential to be good but failed badly and continued to fail as the story progressed. Why? Too many characters that all looked like one of the other characters. A plethora of blondes and old white men, a couple of brunettes, one of them being a hired assassin who I think may have been traind by Mossad. Too many people, a lot of violence to start but no real explanation for the mass killing. Wikipedia had a good episode by episode summary and I wish I'd known about.
This large cast problem was also a big problem early on in The Blacklist, becoming clearer as some died and some moved on, but the story, any story, if a television series is to succeed, must always be reasonably clear. Yes, you can keep us in the dark on  some things but ultimately we need to understand why people are dying. We need to be able to tell the good guys from the bad guys and since they don't wear white and black hats any more we need good storytelling.