Tuesday 18 September 2018


Simon Haines is a giant fuck-up. I can't think of a better word to describe him. Genius at some things, plays poorly with others, addicted to drink and self-indulgence. I don't know if the law firm employment system used here as a major part of the plot, is used anywhere else, or even if it's real, but the setting is London and maybe that's how they sort the wheat from the chaff, by driving the candidates into the ground and hiring the survivor as a partner. Fast track, yes, but the effect on Simon and his fellow hopefuls is dramatic and probably would be classed as abuse in other circumstances.
The quest for partnership is the large thread but the relationship with his on again-off again girlfriend Sophie says a great deal about his state of mind and forms a contrast to the job thread. Despite his stated loving and caring talk he's more interested in beer. Overall he treats her badly due to his poor interpersonal relationship skills and she took too long to tell him to get stuffed. 
Worth a read but get it from the library. I'll have a look at anything else MacAuly writes beacuse he'll probably get better.       

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