Friday 19 February 2016


Sometimes I find Stephen King  a little off-centre. Familiar themes and all and sometimes a plot premise that seems laboured. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is a good example.
Finders Keepers seems like  return to the god old days. An interesting plot which you feel you can anticipate but you'd be wrong. A good lead character and a suitably bad crook make for a book you'll keep reading late at night.

While on the subject of Stephen King, I note that 11.22.63 the TV series starts here shortly. The detail in this book is quite incredible and the research must have been long and exacting to get such a detailed background on Lee Harvey Oswald. I suppose much of his life is in the public domain but here I'm pretty sure there's stuff you haven't heard before. You could just about take the novel into a History class and use it as a textbook.

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